29 June 2007

The Green Epidemic Has Hit Our Make-over Shows!

"Hit" would be an understatement. This show has been smacked upside the head and knocked out. But what you're seeing aren't stars and fuzzy spots, but fabulous, recycled clothes!
So you could imagine how ecstatic I was when my two passions (enviromental issues and fashion) were sewn together.
"I've Got Nothing To Wear" starts off as any other make-over show, but then I had that "now hold up" moment, like when that top finally goes on sale or you find your designer dream dress ripped off on ebay for half the price. I watched in awe as fresh designers turned the type of wardrobes you would see in the first 10 minutes of What Not To Wear into the type of wardrobes you would see in the La Mode girls' bedrooms. Just kidding, but you get the point.
Yes, it's that good, and the end product is something I would seriously consider getting off the couch and attempting to make.
Stacey and Clinton, you have some serious competition. But that doesn't mean I still don't love you and your cashmere, Clinton.


23 June 2007


I saw Nancy Drew today, and I have a sudden urge to start wearing matching plaid.

Although I must say, this dress was pretty fab.

And this outfit is just adorable.

Girl was ROCKIN' the wide leg pants.

Holy Ned Nickerson, I'm obsessed. I don't think I'd go quite so far as the penny loafers though.