SAVE- wet seal (it's actually not bad), Old Navy, Abercrombie Kids, Hollister, marshall's, tjmaxx, delia*s, aeropostale, sale events
SPEND-abercrombie & fitch, American Eagle Outfitters, GAP, UO, lucky jeans, express
SPLURGE- designer basically. 7forallmankind, paige, true religion, citizens of humanity. or check loehmann's for cheaper designer jeans
2. basic tees/tanks- this is the other most important part of a wardrobe besides you
SAVE- *old navy*, wet seal, forever 21, target, h&m
SPEND- GAP, abercrombie, a&f, AE, hollister, delia*s, j.crew, nordstroms BP has some i think
SPLURGE- C&C california, petit bateau, splendid, micheal stars
SAVE- old navy, f21, wet seal, tjmaxx, marshall's, h&m
SPEND- gap, hollister, a&f, abercrombie, AE, aeropostale, deliasS
PLURGE- J.CREW the best place eva for basic sweaters in millions of colors, Ralph Lauren, UO, anthropologie, department stores
4. jackets- blazers, hoodies, that kind of thing. i really like velvet blazers in a dark neutral color or jewel tone. black, chocolate brown, navy, burgundy, teal... that kind of thing. they look nice with things, and make you look more professional. hoodies are nice for just throwing on when you're cold or something. black or gray are nice to start with.
stores to check out: j.crew, juicy, delia*s (for the funky ones), department stores, UO, abercrombie (if you can stand the logos, they're really warm), AE (same as abercrombie), GAP, old navy
5. shoes- flats, heels, sneakers, sandals, and whatnot. for flats, i suggest brown or black ballet flats, because they pretty much go with everything. if you want something funkier, t
flats- UO, delias, nordstroms, jcrew, payless, target, AE
heels- um, wherever? but payless occasionally has nice cheap ones
sneakers- that's everywhere too.
sandals- delias, jcrew, nordstroms, payless, target, UO
others: anthro (but very expensive), aldo, nine west, old navy, gap
7. pants- nice trousers, black/grey skinny pants (UO and gap), bermuda shorts in a neutral color like black, white, tan (f21), short shorts- maybe cuffed like johnson's, or plain ones (f21, jcrew)
8. skirts- solid color knee length skirts are cute. maybe like a white flowy one or something for the summer. and prints are nice too. denim minis are skanky looking usually, but if you can make it work, go for it! and short skirts in general are slutty, so i'd stay away from them. also, black pencil skirts are good to have.
9. jewelry- pearls and diamonds are classic.
SAVE- claire's, old navy, f21, wet seal
SPEND- UO, delias, AE
SPLURGE- department stores, and anthropologie
10. other accessories-
SUNGLASSES: oversized ones are cute, but don't go too far. obnoxiously large ones look stupid, so make sure it's not too big for the size of your face. (f21 usually has nice cheap ones)
HAIR STUFF: i'm in love with headbands. scarf/ribbon headbands are always nice, but plastic ones are "in" right now. you can find them at UO if you want, and most likely f21. Also, i have a burberry plaid one, and i'm in love with it. At j.crew and ann taylor, they have headbands that are called "tortoise shell" or something. it's leopard-printy, but not exactly. i really like those too.
BAGS: big, slouchy leather bags are always good, and can be used to keep all your junk. however, they are kind of pricey, so maybe check out places like marshall's and tjmaxx to find good deals. I also love lesportsac bags for vacations, totes, and every day, because they're waterproof, light and come in lots of prints. If you live near New York, you might want to check out the lesportsac store at Woodbury Commons.
Other info:You all want to keep up with the latest trend, but unless you have unlimited money to spend on everything, it's better to start off with a classy, basic wardrobe. THat way, you can layer them to create look s that are a little more exciting, and can wear them for longer. Also, if you do decide to get the trendy stuff, it's easier to wear if you have the basics. You don't want to go too overboard, so you can wear one trendy piece with a basic outfit.Know your body, and don't wear things just because it's trendy, or popular. Find things that flatter you and make you feel happy!!
by Hairspray
Excellent article!
my little friend, you are indeed a genius. =D
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