23 February 2007

Vreth: a Major Cutie-Face, But a Good Singer?

The Finnish folk-metal band Finntroll is amazing. Yet they've gone through vocalists like Paris Hilton goes through chihuahaus.

My dear Katla, our Swedish-speaking friend, unfortunately had to retire from the band in 2001 due to a benign throat tumor that made him unable to sing.

The next vocalist, Tapio Wilska, was fired in 2006 for private reasons. It's a shame, because he was good too.

So the band hired Mathias Lillmåns, known best as "Vreth", as their new singer.

And um, he is HOT. Even if you're not into the whole long hair, metalhead thing, you've got to admit that this boy is fine.

We'll have something nice to look at during the concerts, but can this boy sing? That's my question.

Finntroll's debut album RivFader was amazing, Jaktens Tid is a fan favorite, Visor Um Slutet is an unusual acoustic concept that I happen to adore, and Nattfodd is just love.

I am very much looking forward to next month's Ur Jordens Djup. For one thing, I love Finntroll. And I want to see if Vreth sings as well as he is hot.

Mark your calendars for March 28! (Spinefarm Records, Century Media Distro) I sure will.

Look back here for updates. :]
-by Tight

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